Monday, September 13, 2010

MTP Episode 2: The Koike Way

In this episode, we look at Wounded Man, one of the works of psychotic maniac- I mean, Prolific manga-ka, Kazuo Koike but, as always, we lose track and talk about Pokemon and other crap.

Episode 2: The Koike Way

Today's topic: Wounded Man Vol. 2, Love and Football, Loud people playing Taboo in the background.

Ending Theme: Get on the Beat by Michaelson from Parasite Dolls


Sunday, September 5, 2010

MTP Episode "1"

Well, after months and months of procrastination, laziness and, overall inability to get it done right, I'm happy to present you with the first episode of the Manly Tears Podcast, a podcast about nerdy jerks who talk about nerdy stuff. This is not technically the first episode but, I believe the real episode 1 may be lost to the annals of time for all eternity.

Episode 2: episode 1

Today's topic: Otakon, Spider-man: Web of Shadows, Cyndaquil sucks.

Ending theme: Tough Boy by Tom CAT from Fist of the North Star 2

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