And you guys thought we were dead just because we haven't posted and episode in a couple weeks. This episode, we tell you about Blood-C, a bunch a dudes bust into our lair, we start talking over each other and, we finish with some Kamen Rider talk.
Topics: Blood-C, Trains need food, Vietnam flashbacks, Moar Otakon talk, I LOVE (a character from) K-ON!, Narumi's fake spider tattoo and the son he never had, This episode was recorded a week before Fourze aired, my apologies. Have a funny image of Blood-C Saya to make up for it....
Got any complaints, comments or, rant? E-mail
It's part one of our 2011 Otakon coverage! Yeah, we know it's a bit late but, blame that on a computer that closed its heart off to me right after I got home from Baltimore.
This week: Ice Cold Water that is only $1, "Can I speak to Foosie?". Otakon panels and events, Johnny Yong Bosch is "The Best Voice Actor Ever"(?), BAOH HAS A LASER CANNON, MORNING RESCUE!
Ending song: "Ice Cold Water Remix" by Kanada (Find his songs here:
This episode, we talk about one of my absolute favorite anime, Kino's Journey. We also talk about some recent news (by "recent" I mean a month old by now. sue me.) like George Takei talking about the Akira live action, the Persona 4 anime, and new Kenshin anime. I should also mention that any background noise you hear is from sonic screwdrivers and Henshin belts.
Today's Topics: George Takei' our favorite gay asian man, I LOOOOOOVE KINO'S JOURNEY, 2/3 of our hosting crew needs to play Persona 4, New Dengeki Bunko light novel series: Chicken Nuggets, Kamen is interrupted by wrestling talk then, retaliates by browsing 4chan, Super Hero Time Charity, Moar Lily Shirogane!? AWESOOOME!
Opening song: "Uragiri no Yuuyake remix" by nakinyko (Found this after we did the Baccano/Durarara episode. Been dieing to use it.)
Ending song: "Beautiful World" by Ai Maeda
"Turn off the Dark" with Takei? I'd brave the dangers to see it!
So, I've finally beaten SMT: Nocturne and I can get back to posting new episodes of the podcast. Since this was recorded on May 21st. This week is our special Rapture episode where Kamen regales us with the history of Marvel's Thor and the Hollywood theatrics of the same name while I give my first views on some Spring season anime.
Today's topics: The Mighty Thor goes to Wendy's, Ao no Exorcist, Tiger and Bunny, [C]The Money of Soul and Possibility Control, Steve Hobbes(?), Goddamn chips in the background!
Ending theme: "Trust you forever" from G Gundam
As always, if you have any comments, questions or, corrections, email
If you wanna blame anything for the lack of episodes these past few weeks, blame this.
This week's episode, myself and KamenReviewer talk about Baccano and Durararararararararararararararararararararara while at the same time adding our own brand of wit and charm along the way.
Today's topics: Tv Tokyo lawsuit against 4kids, Baccano, THE RAIL TRACER, Durararara, the strongest bartender in Ikebukkuro, For those who haven't gotten the message yet; PLAY BAYONETTA!
Any questions, comments, cocaine-induced rants; E-mail:
This week, on this extremely late episode, we talk about Blassreiter and Gokaiger. I have to apologize because I call one character "Bianca" when I meant to say "Beatrice". Blame Pokemon: Black for that.
Topics this week: Blassreiter, I HAVE NO LEGS!, Gokaiger, wimpy dudes in Green
Ending theme: FULL FORCE from Kamen Rider Kabuto
It's an easy mistake to make, right?
Any questions, comments, requests; E-mail:
We haven't posted an episode in over three weeks so, here's a little something to let you guys know that we didn't die by sailing off the edge of the earth.
Today's topics: "You're not my baby-sitter! I'll go to the liquor store down the street!" "STOP CRYING, FOOD!" We approve of curb stomping Pokemon.
Ending song: Mysterious Destimy from Bayonetta ost (Yes. I love that game.)
Any questions, comments, requests; E-mail:
In this episode, I am REALLY annoying in the beginning as we review Death: the High Cost of Living. Evoluder Kamina arrives late and we review some Shinkenger.
Today's topic: 11eyes, Death: the High Cost of Living, Shinkenger "Movie", Shinkenger vs. Go-Onger, Lucifer's Body Oder, Put a condom on to protect yourself from Nobunaga Oda
Original Character. DO NOT STEAL.
Any questions, comments, requests; E-mail:
On this episode, I experiment with a new way to introduce the podcast, I bash Chobits, we review "Hot for Teacher: Korean edition" and we talk about Piston Robot Arms!!
Today's topics: Unbalance Unbalance, Big O, Chobits is for creeps, We are all tomatoes.
Ending song: "I've Got Lazer Eyes" from Sifl and Olly
Any questions, comments, requests; E-mail:
This week we talk about Trigun Badands Rumble, I bitch about being forced to watch Ikkitousen, and Rant about the comic book industry.
Today's Topics: Trigun: Badlands Rumble, Ikkitousen, Young Justice(aka Justice League: Corny Teenage bullshit edition), Krillin is the strongest human on Earth. DEAL WITH IT!
Any questions, comments, requests; E-mail:
So I've finally gotten off my ass and finished editing this episode. My apologies to those who waited with bated breath for my next batch of ramblings about anime. This week we talk about the Gantz Live Action premiere, Crouqis Pop and , I do a quick first look at a few of the new winter 2011 anime.
Today's topic: Gantz Live Action, Crouqis Pop, "Who the hell is Joe Quesada?"
Opening: "Anima Rosa" by Porno Grafitti Ending: "My XXX is the best in the Universe" from Gurren Lagann: All the Lights in the Sky are Stars.
Remember kids, don't eat random pills if they sing. Otherwise, go for it!
You may notice that foreign letter next to this week's episode. That is due to the fact that this is actually half of this week's episode. due to technical difficulties, I had to cut this week's podcast in two but, don't worry, we still have the same usual wackiness you've come to expect.
This week on the Manly Tears Podcast, our audio is crap and the recording room is half empty as we talk about Gantz and Peepo Choo, the Japanese debut of "Japan's first dread locked Manga-ka", Felipe Smith.
Today's Topic: Gantz, Peepo Choo, BEING A MAAZAFACKIN ROKKUSTAA!!
Opening song: "Get Tough" by G.P.S. Ending song: "Reach out for the Truth (Persona Live band ver.)"