This week we talk about Trigun Badands Rumble, I bitch about being forced to watch Ikkitousen, and Rant about the comic book industry.
Today's Topics: Trigun: Badlands Rumble, Ikkitousen, Young Justice(aka Justice League: Corny Teenage bullshit edition), Krillin is the strongest human on Earth. DEAL WITH IT!
Any questions, comments, requests; E-mail:
So I've finally gotten off my ass and finished editing this episode. My apologies to those who waited with bated breath for my next batch of ramblings about anime. This week we talk about the Gantz Live Action premiere, Crouqis Pop and , I do a quick first look at a few of the new winter 2011 anime.
Today's topic: Gantz Live Action, Crouqis Pop, "Who the hell is Joe Quesada?"
Opening: "Anima Rosa" by Porno Grafitti Ending: "My XXX is the best in the Universe" from Gurren Lagann: All the Lights in the Sky are Stars.
Remember kids, don't eat random pills if they sing. Otherwise, go for it!